The Body and Society: Toward a Eucharistic Transformation
February 3, 2025
“This is my body which is given for you”
(Lk 22:19). Here is the transformation that the Eucharist can work in
society: The Eucharist gives a language to the body, the language of the
gift. The body is a body given and received. As given and received, it
is originally embedded in a community. To accept the gift, to accept
one’s body in its sexual difference, is to accept one’s origin and
destiny in the context of the Church and society.
Eucharist offers a hermeneutics that reads the body in the light of the
gift, and inasmuch as it is the sacrament of the new and everlasting
covenant, it reads the gift in the light of the covenant. The covenant,
in turn, is the foundation of every society, human, ecclesial, or
divine: in fact, the Latin societas literally refers to the community of those who are allies: socii.
other words, the Eucharist tells us that body, gift, and covenant
belong to the same semantic field. In what follows, we will examine more
closely how a hermeneutics of the body in the light of the gift and in
the light of the covenant provides a renewed way of understanding the
relationship between men and women and the relationship between the
generations, which are the relationships upon which a society depends
and by which it is constituted as society, whether it wants it or not,
whether it admits it or not.
Prof. Stephan Kampowski
Pontificio Istituto Teologico Giovanni Paolo II per le Scienze del Matrimonio e della Famiglia
Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano, 4
00184 Roma
+39 06 698 95 698